Recently while analyzing a virus family, I found an interesting way to introduce delay before invoking the malicious code. It also helps in not making evident the location of the malicious code. This can be obfuscated further though.
After unpacking the malware, the first thing it does is to register a Window Class with the name, "Runtime Check" with the Window Procedure subroutine at address, 00402680. It then creates the Window. During the creation of the Window, the Window Procedure is invoked which handles the initial window messages like WM_CREATE.
After the Window is created, it retrieves the message from the Thread's queue using GetMessage() and dispatches it to the Window Procedure using DispatchMessage().
Inside the Window Procedure, it reads the code of the Window Message from the stack and stores it in the EAX register. It then checks whether the window message code is greater than 0xF. If it is equal to 0x113, then it sets up a Timer that elapses after 1 second. Since the last parameter to the SetTimer() function is NULL, the system will post a WM_TIMER message to the queue every time the timer elapses. Each time a WM_TIMER message is retrieved from the application thread's message queue using GetMessage(), it increments a counter. Once the counter is equal to 5, it calls the malicious subroutine. Since the timer is set to elapse after 1 second, so overall delay introduced is approximately, 5 seconds.
Below are the corresponding sections of code:
and here is the code rewritten in C:
if(wind_code > 0xF)
if(wind_code == 0x113)
if(counter == 0x5)
call malicious_code;
else if(wind_code == 0xF)
// code for handling the WM_PAINT message
else if(wind_code == 0x1)
SetTimer(hWnd, 1, 0x3e8, 0)
After unpacking the malware, the first thing it does is to register a Window Class with the name, "Runtime Check" with the Window Procedure subroutine at address, 00402680. It then creates the Window. During the creation of the Window, the Window Procedure is invoked which handles the initial window messages like WM_CREATE.
After the Window is created, it retrieves the message from the Thread's queue using GetMessage() and dispatches it to the Window Procedure using DispatchMessage().
Inside the Window Procedure, it reads the code of the Window Message from the stack and stores it in the EAX register. It then checks whether the window message code is greater than 0xF. If it is equal to 0x113, then it sets up a Timer that elapses after 1 second. Since the last parameter to the SetTimer() function is NULL, the system will post a WM_TIMER message to the queue every time the timer elapses. Each time a WM_TIMER message is retrieved from the application thread's message queue using GetMessage(), it increments a counter. Once the counter is equal to 5, it calls the malicious subroutine. Since the timer is set to elapse after 1 second, so overall delay introduced is approximately, 5 seconds.
Below are the corresponding sections of code:
and here is the code rewritten in C:
if(wind_code > 0xF)
if(wind_code == 0x113)
if(counter == 0x5)
call malicious_code;
else if(wind_code == 0xF)
// code for handling the WM_PAINT message
else if(wind_code == 0x1)
SetTimer(hWnd, 1, 0x3e8, 0)