It was fun, exciting, challenging, eye opening and nerve wracking! :) There was a close competition between us and Hashcat. We emerged as the winners and it was great how we kept up with the challenge till the end.
Check out the stats here:
Waiting for the winning goodies to arrive!
Some new projects which I am going to work on going forward:
FPGA based Bruteforcers.
John the Ripper with OpenMPI patch.
Here are some stats specific to our team, InsidePro 2011
Cracked by length

Cracked by charset

Cracked vs Uncracked

The slowest and the most precious hashes on the contest were, MS Domain Cached Credentials and OpenBSD Blowfish.
I'll look for ways to speed up these algorithms for cracking.
It was a great experience and the fact that we won, makes this more memorable.
Listening Now: Groove Cutter - My Shooter